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h5ai file indexer for HTTP server

h5ai is a modern file indexer for HTTP web servers. Directories are displayed in an appealing way and browsing them is enhanced by different views. It supports whole folder downloads, images preview and many more features.


Login to your SSH, here is article how to do this:

Go to your web root directory:

cd ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname)/$(whoami)

Now download and extract h5ai

wget --no-check-certificate && unzip

Now you need to point h5ai to manage all directories without an index file.

echo "DirectoryIndex  index.html  index.php  /$(whoami)/_h5ai/public/index.php" > .htaccess

That's all, it has been installed. Go to your account via http and h5ai will manage the display of your content.
h5ai is installed with basic configuration, you can add more features with your requirements, editing the following file


You can also download our preconfigured options.json file with most of the features enabled. Just type this command in SSH:

wget --no-check-certificate -O ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname)/$(whoami)/_h5ai/private/conf/options.json

If you want to uninstall h5ai just type 2 commands in SSH:

rm -r ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname)/$(whoami)/_h5ai

rm -f ~/www/$(whoami).$(hostname)/$(whoami)/.htaccess

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